Worship and Music

Sunday Worship is at 11:00 AM
Sunday worship is our centre, where we seek to combine the best elements of traditional and contemporary worship and music. Browse our site to learn about our service to each other, to our community, and to our world.
Music plays an integral part in our worship service. Our choirs enrich our worship with meaningful praise; our hymns, both old and new tell in song the messages of our faith; our sung responses provide each of the Melville worshippers with a voice in the service.

The Senior Choir
Our worship is sometimes enhanced by the contribution of our senior choir. Melville’s senior choir sings a wide variety of faith music that puts words to our beliefs and inspires our faith.

Spirit Sings Band
A small group that occasionally shares their faith and love of music by introducing contemporary Christian music to Melville’s worship. The Band is always looking for suggestions and new songs to sing or play on guitar and piano.